Preggers (again with No. 5) and Proud!

Baby Number 5 for Cathy and Cliff is expected May 13th (what a great Mothers Day gift) 2006. Right now we have 4 kids. Cameron is 6, Claire is 5, Carly is 3.5 and Catie is 1 year old. We have a larger family than the normal, but we have lots of love in the house!

Thursday, March 30, 2006

Week 33 and 5 Day Appointment

A close up, and this shot looks a lot like my belly with Claire

Week 33 5 Day Belly Shot

Well, I just got back from my appointment, and as Claire and I were walking up to the building, we saw GG (my Grannie/GG for the great grandkids) which was cool. Her appointment was 20 mins later than ours so we got to chat. That was fun.I am really swollen, and put on 5 pounds in 2 weeks due to the swelling. Everything else was good today though. Claire got to turn on the doppler, and hold it for Dr. D. He asked Claire what Mommy was having? A brother or a sister, and she said a pony...we joked that that would be an easier delivery, and we could leave the pony in the yard. A lot less work than a baby. Baby's heartrate was 152 today, and quite a bit higher than in the past! know what that means...LOL it's a baby!

I have my specialist appointment next Wednesday at Children's hospital. The same day my sister Amy and Tyler come home. Then I have my next appointment on the 13th of April. That will be my last 2 week appointment, then I am moving to the 1 week appointments! Crazy. We cannot believe really how little time left there is in my final pregnancy.

There really is not much left to do. I am going to wash up the gender neutral receiving blankets, and blankets etc. Find the infant headrest. Tomorrow I get to have tea with my cousin Andrea, and borrow their infant seat and some little onesies and sleepers. That will make it real.

On the 8th, I will go for breakfast with my Mom and my MIL and then head to A Baby's World to buy a baby book, a calendar and a new nursing pillow. I will need to do a small shop for odds n' ends. And really, I am ready to go. I don't feel stressed at all. I am just letting things be.

Cliff thinks we are having a girl (in hopes of being incorrect) you see Cliff has been wrong all 4 times!
I think it is a girl - I have been right 2/4 times
Claire thinks it is a girl
Carly thinks it is a girl
Cameron thinks it is a boy
*Angelo who has been right 21/21 times says girl...

We are seriously looking for a 11 passenger van...yes I said 11 passenger! So if you see one, please let us know! Seriously. This will be the ultimate fun bus right can all come in that van!!




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