Preggers (again with No. 5) and Proud!

Baby Number 5 for Cathy and Cliff is expected May 13th (what a great Mothers Day gift) 2006. Right now we have 4 kids. Cameron is 6, Claire is 5, Carly is 3.5 and Catie is 1 year old. We have a larger family than the normal, but we have lots of love in the house!

Wednesday, December 28, 2005

My 20 Week Doctor's Appointment Today

Today, I had my doctor's appt.

And the ultrasound results. Everything looked great, but I need to go back for one more ultrasound because the tech. couldn't get a good visualization on the chambers of the heart. So, I will be hearing from my doctor's tomorrow for that appt. He told me not to worry. So I am trying not too. He said that I grow great babies. He doesn't for see any troubles. He is not worried. He said that they are overly cautious, and would rather check everything thoroughly. I can appreciate that, but now I feel stressed.

I asked it they got a heart rate reading at that ultrasound. It was 140 there. Last appt. it was 148, and today it was 140! Can you say BOY!!! Boy oh Boy. THAT IS A GUESS ONLY. I love the old wives tales. I swear this is a boy. This baby rarely moves...just like my Cameron!! Oh...I cannot wait for May. I also have to register at the hospital again! How exciting. I will do that next month, after my next appointment.

Oh yeah...and I had a huge weight gain of 9 pounds...making up for the pounds I didn't put on earlier I guess. is all of the good foods over the holidays. And the Purdy's!! I better cool it now. So that is it! Everything is going so well!!

I am happy for today.


Monday, December 26, 2005

20 weeks aka HALF WAY POINT! No turning around!

20 Week Belly Photo

Congratulations! You've hit the halfway mark in your pregnancy. By now your baby is about the size of a large sweet potato, and a creamy, whitish substance called vernix caseosa is starting to cover his skin. This coating will protect his skin from weeks of bathing in amniotic fluid but will most likely disappear by the time he's born. Your baby is swallowing more these days, which is good practice for his digestive system.
Well, yesterday...Christmas Day I was 20 weeks and 1 day pregnant. WOW. I cannot believe that really the countdown is on. It was very busy, but very fun for the kids. Cliff and I are exhausted. To be expected I suppose. Comes with the territory of a larger family. Today, is my favourite day because ALL OF THE STUFF (Christmas Stuff that is) CAME DOWN! It looks like our normal household! Yes!

Pregnancy wise, I am SO looking forward to the New Year 2006. That means that is the year that our new baby comes into all of our lives. That is so exciting. I feel like I am nesting already. Preparing the nest for our little one! So cool. I feel big, I am feeling this baby moving a bit more regularily. He or she really loves chocolate (Well maybe I do, and the baby loves the sugar rush) because he or she gets moving! Too fun. Such a nice feeling to feel again. I always promise myself I am going to remember what this feels like, but I feel like it is all brand new to me again. I guess because this baby is a brand new life. Not like ANYBODY on earth. A new little person who will be beautiful, delicate and fresh, like the smell of a beautiful spring flower that has just bloomed.


Friday, December 23, 2005

The Name Game

OK...So this morning, after posting a MILLION names up on the fridge...and Cliff's no, no, no...etc. And thanks to my great friends from September Stars!!

This morning we have for a girl:

1. Courtney Paige
2. Cara Paige

This morning we have for a boy:

1. Christian Tate
2. Christian Clark

Hopefully soon we will have some names!!


Thursday, December 22, 2005

Names and more names...HELP

Girl's Name Ideas

Cara Layne
Cara Paige
Cara Pearl
Cara Rae

Calleigh Elizabeth
Calleigh Mae
Calleigh May
Calleigh Paige

Chloe May
Chloe Amelia
Chloe Paige

Courtney Paige
Courtney Rae
Courney Amelia
Courtney Jane

Colette Avery

Boy's Names

Christian Tate
Christian Clark

Carter Detlef

Clark Porter

Now I can get to bed!


A bit of movement from baby, and getting closer to 20 weeks

I swear this baby plays little tricks on me...I know he or she is moving in there, and then there is nothing...for days it seems. I guess it is still a bit early to have really REGULAR movement, and I am quite busy and maybe I don't notice the little movements as much. I do however look forward to that part of pregnancy! Show me who you are baby!! Anyways...yesterday and today I felt some bigger movements which was really exciting! Thumper...reminds me of my pregnancy with Cameron. This is how they determined the phrase Lazy Boy I think LOL.

Some interesting facts too. With Cameron I was on a 28 day cycle, and this one was too...and in the month before I conceived I was on 44 day cycle. I guess due to breastfeeding. I am breaking out on my face and hairline...and I don't remember that with the girls...I remember with Cameron I had break outs on my chest and back. I RARELY break out! Oh yeah...I was thinking back to my pregnancy tests...and the first one we took with Cameron was EXTREMELY LIGHT...just like this one (or should I say 6 tests) The girl's tests were A LOT DARKER...even at the walk in clinic test with Cameron the test was so Does that theory work??? We will see in May I guess.

Can you see why I never sleep?! I have so many little thoughts running through my head.

And then there is my Doctor Theory...
A female doc delivered my son
A male doc delivered my daughter
Another male doc delivered my daughter
And the same male doc delivered my daughter...
does that mean I am having another daughter because my male doc is delivering again???
Who knows?! So fun to guess tho.

I have been really pondering names again too. Searching for the PERFECT is sooo hard this time around.

So far for a girl: Chloe May?? Not so sure about this really...maybe too Cutesy?? But really perfect for the time of the year?! Can this name grow up with an adult female?? I am not sure.

Cara Layne??? Not too sure about this either...

maybe Cara Paige?

I saw the name Calleigh today, and I thought that was a nice girls name. What would I do for a middle name? YIKES

I like Claudia, Corinna and Courtney too now...

For a boy name so far:

I still like Christian Tate...but I never want the first name to be shortened to Chris...not to keen on that. I just remembered too that I had a high school boyfriend named is that kosher?? I don't know. (he was a hottie)

Carter Detlef...Love Carter...but feel bad because one of Cliff's work bud's has a son named that wrong? Detlef is my Dad's name...and he doesn't even have a middle name so I know my Dad would love that...he keeps hinting at that...I am going to get Cliff to call his friend and ask if that would be OK.
I also like Gavin for a middle name now too!

I have liked Carter Detlef since we were pregnant with Cameron. So, that name has kinda been around for 6+ years.So many choices...thankfully I have quite a few months to decide upon that. Usually the name is done, and in the bag!

I don't think I would win Mother of the Year Award, in a fit of anger and sheer exhaustion...I said on the phone to Cliff..."I don't think we should keep this baby, maybe we should put this baby up for adoption...I cannot even handle the 4 am I going to handle 5", and I went on to say "I am not the same woman you married" "I am so ugly, tired, burnt out...worn out, and angry all the time"...hmmm. Can you say hormones.

I feel bad for saying that, and I REALLY ALREADY love this baby...I just had a bad moment of mental and physical exhaustion. I feel better typing when the mood hits for baby number 6 I can read back on this...and talk myself out of that!!




(me hugging my five kids)

Another thing I think about is that I feel like I am not "bonding" with this baby as much as the others...I think it is because I am ALWAYS busy with one of the 4. Not much time to really sit, put my hand on my belly and talk to him or her. I need to start doing that...even if it is only for a few minutes. I want the baby to know how much he or she is wanted and loved. I cannot think of anything else today...but that is really what today was like...tomorrow will be so much better!

And boxing day will be the best! All the Christmas stuff comes down! Back to normal! Until May...then our world changes AGAIN!Can't wait to meet you baby...2006 is going to be great! We get to meet you!

Please come out on Mother's Day!


Tuesday, December 20, 2005

Week 19

Week 19 Pregnant Belly Photo

Think you're big now? You'll start growing even more rapidly in the weeks to come. This added weight may make it hard for you to keep up your regular pace without taking a catnap during the day. You may also be wondering about that darkened line running from the top of your belly button to the top of your pubic bone. It's called the linea nigra, or "dark line," and is caused by a temporary increase in melanin, the substance that colors your hair, skin, and eyes. This is an important time for your baby's sensory development, too. Her brain is designating specialized areas for smell, taste, hearing, vision, and touch. Some research suggests that she can even hear you talk, so read out loud, talk to her, or sing a happy tune.
Well...almost 1/2 way there already. This pregnancy is going too fast. I feel a lot bigger, and I notice the weight gain in my face and but. But all worth it. The weight will come off later. After I have this little one...then I can really concentrate on getting my body back. Tonight I got to hold Shelly's little guy Jackson. He is adorable, and I cannot believe how small newborns are. So easy to forget all of that, and yet I have done that 4x's already. I was so excited, because I know that will be me in another 21 weeks or so. Wow. Ahhh. The joys that are coming my way are unbelievable.I am so curious to know how my labour will go, will I be able to handly a totally natural labour without the gas? Will we have a boy or a girl??? What will we name him or her??? So far we have Chloe May or Cara Layne. For a boy we have Carter Detlef or Christian Tate. Hmmm. So exciting. I have this present inside of me, and I want to know LOL. But I don't want to know. Weird things that are different are my face is breaking out a bit more which is not normal for me, and I am tired a lot more. I think it is the caring of the other 4, and then trying to stay healthy and care for the little one inside me too. It is harder when the others are sick too. They are all coughing and sneezing. Poor babes. I hope by Christmas they will feel better.


I know a great site for advertising your children’s clothing. It is local to Aldergrove, BC. allows parents to post ads with photos for a small fee. Check it out.

Check it out! I have met many wonderful women in the forums there!
See you there!


Sunday, December 18, 2005

Photos of my Original Babies

Carly, 3

Cameron, 6

Claire, 4

Catie, 1

This photo was taken in October 2005!

thanks for looking. c

Friday, December 16, 2005

Week 18

Week 18 Belly Shot

Hungry? An increase in appetite is pretty common about now. Make it count by choosing meals and snacks that are rich in nutrients (fresh fruit and veggies, yogurt, nuts) instead of empty calories (chips, french fries, pastries). You may soon begin to feel achiness around your lower abdomen; this comes from your ligaments stretching as your uterus grows. Your baby's active these days — kicking, reaching, and flexing his arms and legs. You may even begin to feel his movements. If not this week, then soon.
Wow...this week has been so exciting between the ultrasound, showing off our baby ultrasound. The week has flown by. I have been feeling the baby move a bit more which is really cool. I felt baby moving a couple of mornings ago just as I was getting ready to get out of bed. Still feeling gaggy on my toothbrush, and well. Tired. Go figure. LOL.

Baby's First Photo (Ultrasound info for No. 5)

Ultrasound for Baby No. 5 18 Weeks and 4 days along!

Today...we had our first ultrasound on baby No. 5! It was great! Had a super technician who was kind, and friendly. She said during the "quiet" part of the exam that our baby was moving all about! "A very active baby" were the exact words!! Am I going to be in trouble here!! Well...Catie and this baby were active on the screen! So far Catie has been a dream! Let's hope that continues in that pattern.I want to record this moment...I want to remember the feeling of the pressure of a full bladder, the nervousness of myself...almost holding my breath, counting the ceiling tiles, saying quiet prayers that our baby will be a healthy baby! A happy baby. The exam was quick, and she brought Cliff in...immediately...there is our beautiful little one moving about...looking right towards us. HE/SHE even waved at us! That was really cool. The best part was that Cliff could share in this moment...together. The three of us. A pretty exciting moment! As now we will not see this little one until April or May!! I cannot wait. The show was over quickly...but something that will remain in my memory bank forever. Just as the other little ones I had in my belly!

All of these great memories. We have so many hopes and dreams for this little one!! And for all of our kids!In the van on the way back home (to rescue my Dad who had all 4 of them doing crafts at the kitchen table) Cliff said I think she scanned right over the "parts"...I said "What did you see?" He said I think boy parts...but it could have been the cord! LOL. From the picture I say boy LOL.


I am so excited, I feel sick and emotional! I am so HAPPY that Cliff can make it there today! Appt is at 3:30! Whoo hoo. The worst part is trying to keep in all of that bladder is soooo tiny LOL. 3 hours to go!

Week 17

Week 17 Belly Shot

Starting to feel a bit off balance? Your center of gravity shifts as your belly grows, so you may occasionally feel a little unsteady on your feet. Pregnancy hormones may make your eyes dry and dull your vision. Contact lenses may feel uncomfortable, too. Over-the-counter eye drops often help. Inside, your baby's skeleton is changing from soft cartilage to bone, and the umbilical cord — her lifeline to the placenta — is growing stronger and thicker.
Finally I am feeling normal! Still tired, but normal. I am 3 weeks from 1/2 way! Wow. I have felt little flutters, but not very regularily. I am excited to feel the full on kicks and jabs.

16 4/7th Weeks Along

Had my doctor's appt today. Everything was good. I gained 5 pounds...eeek.
The heart rate of baby was a low 148 bpm. Maybe it is a boy after all?! We will see.Anyways I am relieved. I have the requisition to book my ultrasound. Yay. Our first baby picture. That should be in the next couple of weeks.

My next doctors appt is on December 28th 2005.

Week 16

This is my 16 Week Belly Shot

Get ready for a growth spurt! In the next few weeks your baby will double her weight and add inches to her length. She's even growing toenails now. You're going through a bit of a growth spurt yourself. The top of your uterus is now about halfway between the top of your pubic bone and your navel. And the round ligaments that support your uterus are thickening and stretching as you grow. You're also probably looking and feeling a whole lot better as you adapt to pregnancy. Less nausea, fewer mood swings, and "glowing" skin contribute to an overall sense of well-being.
I feel my uterus all the way at my navel already LOL. I have been feeling little flutters lately which is very cool. I love that part of pregnancy. I have been feeling WAY BETTER! But still tired. Gee I wonder why...I had a fun weekend with Cliff at his work Christmas party, we ate well (Cliff drank LOL) and we won some great prizes. This week I go to my regular 16 week appt on Wednesday, and then we will be booking my ULTRASOUND. I cannot believe I am 4 weeks from being 1/2 way thru the pregnancy. That is crazy! Right now I love being pregnant. I have also noticed swelling in my legs already. Have to try to *rest*...yah...maybe 6-7 years ago LOL. Anyways. That is it for Week 16. Uneventful, and that is good.

Week 15


Your baby's legs are growing longer than his arms now and he can move all of his joints and limbs now. And although his eyelids are still fused shut, he can sense light. If you shine a flashlight at your tummy, for instance, he's likely to move away from the beam. Eager to know whether he's really a he or a she? You may be able to find out during an ultrasound, which will probably happen sometime soon (usually between 16 and 20 weeks). Keep in mind, though, that depending on the clarity of the picture and the position of your baby, his gender may stay a mystery.
I am so happy! Wow...another week started. I am only 5 weeks from the half way mark. That means I will have my ultrasound next month! Right before Christmas. I am feeling tired a lot, but feeling less sick. I was hoping that part of pregnancy would go away this week...but it is manageable for the most part. I just need to remember to drink lots of water (which tastes a lot better now) and eat more. I guess when I am so busy I forget to eat. That is about it. I am into maternity clothes full-time now, and picked up some cute shirts and bought some new bras. I feel good. Looking forward to my Doctor's appt on November 30th. My MIL made up a cute name for this baby as I have been really liking swiss cheese...Swiss Miss. Too cute. No...I do not know the sex. Just a gut feeling.

Week 14

How your baby's growing: Head to bottom, your baby's 3 1/2 inches long — about the length of a lemon — and weighs about 1 1/2 ounces. Her body's growing faster than her head, which now sits upon a more well-defined neck. By the end of this week, her arms will have lengthened and will be in proportion to the rest of her body. (Her legs still have some growing to do, though.) She's starting to develop an ultra-fine, downy covering of hair all over her body (called lanugo). Her liver starts secreting bile this week, a sign that it's already functioning properly, and her spleen starts contributing to the production of red blood cells. She's also producing and discharging urine into the amniotic fluid, a normal process that she'll keep up until birth. You still can't feel your baby's movements, but her hands and feet (which are now half an inch long) are more flexible and active. Thanks to brain impulses, her little facial muscles are getting a workout as she squints, frowns, and grimaces. She can grasp now, too, and she may be able to suck her thumb. • Note: Experts say every baby develops differently — even in the womb. This developmental information is designed to give you a general idea of how your baby is growing.How your life's changing: As early discomforts (nausea, fatigue, breast tenderness) begin to fade, you may start to regain some energy and feel more comfortable with how your body's changing. (Although the top of your uterus is only a bit above your pelvic bone, that growth may be enough to push your tummy out a bit.) Starting to show is an exciting pregnancy milestone and it will likely give you and your partner the visible evidence of a baby that you've been waiting for. Take some time to plan, daydream, and enjoy this amazing time. It's normal to worry a bit now and then, but you can also breathe a little sigh of relief knowing that with the start of this trimester your risk of miscarriage has dropped significantly. Now try to focus on taking care of yourself and your baby and having faith that you're well equipped for what's ahead.
Wow! 14 weeks already! This was a busy week for us! We moved upstairs this past weekend. I LOVE the change. The kids are loving it too.I have really popped this weekend again. I woke up with a bit more energy, and less sickness. I actually could stomach smelling the taco seasonings tonight. I notice that my appetite is really growing too. I am looking forward to prenatal yoga on Tuesday! So restful and peaceful. The second trimester is right around the corner!! Yay. Bring on 15 weeks!! But don't go too are my last. I am OK with that. SOMEBODY has to be last. Somebody has to be my BABY!!We now have enough room in our place for a boy or a girl!!! Yay. I am betting on a girl.

November sometime 13 Weeks 1 day pregnant

OK...this photo was taken yesterday at my Sisters...I was shocked by the size of my belly already. (And my whole body in general). I have been doing NOOOO exercise, and eating more carbs than normal. I told Cliff if my but grows it is another girl...I have grown a lot in less than one week! Yowsers.

Week 13

Your second trimester is almost here! Are your long-lost energy and sex drive making a comeback? You may soon find out why many women call it the honeymoon trimester! Your baby is now nearly 3 inches long — about the size of a jumbo shrimp — and weighs nearly an ounce. If you could hold his hand, you'd notice the tiny, squiggly lines that make up his one-of-a-kind fingerprints. You'd also see his veins and vital organs beneath his tissue-thin skin.
Wow...another week has passed, and I STILL feel sick and tired. I feel like I have had a 7 week hangover. Yuck. Soon this phase will pass. I don't know if it is really possible, but I swear I have felt flutters. I am VERY in tune with my body. Only three times so far, but when I do I rub my lower belly and say "Hi baby I love you". I have a HUGE amount of love for this baby already...I am so excited for May...but who knows baby could show up in late April if I go early again. I truly feel that this will be my 4th little gal. Poor Cameron...but he will survive and he will get his own room always! The gals will have to really learn to share!! My belly seems to be growing some more too which is exciting. All of my normal t shirts are fitting like half tops, and I am no longer in my regular jeans. Into transition maternity styles now. My chest is growing too, and I am finding my bras getting really tight too. Time for new ones. Claire keeps lifting my shirt and kissing my belly to "kiss the baby". She says we are having a boy. Cameron wants a boy and Carly wants another sister "like Catie". Too cute. We will see soon enough. I hope this week brings some relief from morning sickness. Well, hopefully in two weeks.

12 Weeks 4 Days

I heard the most beautiful sound today. It was the sound of our baby's heartbeat. It was beating away at 156 bpm. It is a girl LOL. I felt so emotional when I heard it. It was marvelous, and I felt so moved. Almost to tears. I am always so nervous when it comes to the first time you hear the heartbeat. And there it was. So easy for my doctor to hear!! YAY. More relief. I go back to the doctor's on November 30th. Then we book the ultrasound for mid December. This pregnancy is going toooo fast. I am going to do my best to just relax and enjoy this miracle that grows from my womb.I love you so much little one.

12 Weeks 3 Days

I am in love with swiss cheese and breton crackers. Weird. I usually HATE swiss cheese. I guess I need the calcium or something. I have also been drinking like 2 cups of milk in row too. This is so different for me. Another thing I LOVE is mango. Can't get enough of them. And Fruit Loops too! I must be feeling slightly better huh.Looking forward to going to my Doctor's appt. tomorrow. I hope we can hear the heartbeat by doppler. I wonder how much weight I have gained? I woke up and felt almost normal today! Now I feel gross lol.

Week 12

This is my 12 Week Belly Shot

As your body begins to adjust to higher levels of hormones, you may notice your nausea tapering off. About half of pregnant women kiss regular morning sickness goodbye during the next few weeks (though queasiness can return periodically throughout pregnancy and an unlucky minority of pregnant women never get a break from it). Your baby has hit the 2-inch mark (about the size of a lime) and weighs half an ounce. This week, her face looks unquestionably human. Her eyes have moved closer together, and her ears are right where they should be.
Wow. Another week! This pregnancy is going too fast. I had a couple of good days last week, but today I woke up and thought OMG I am going to toss my cookies. I felt like that all day. Yesterday was nice. I got to go shopping for maternity clothes, and I got some rocking good deals. I spent 130 dollars including tax at Old Navy maternity section on a pair of denim jeans ($19.99), a soft pair of beige cords ($30.00) , a white blouse ($15.99), a striped pink, orange and grey striped blouse ($15.99). A pair of houndstooth patterned ballet flats for $1.97!! and a green velvet handbag for $7.50! I also bought a non maternity black jacket with a corduoroy collar. LOVE it! That was $24.00. I had money to spare so I went to Payless and bought a cool pair of Airwalk mary janes in brown! Those were on sale for $28.00. So, it was a good day. Today I wore my mat pants, and striped blouse and I felt SOOOO comfy, and stylish. I straightened my hair and went to my cousin's little boy's 1st bday. Everybody told me I looked so nice. That made me feel really good. My tummy has popped out, and I look really pregnant which is fun. I am excited to have this baby, and I look forward to my doctor's appt on Wednesday. I hope we can hear the heartbeat. I know I will freak if I cannot. We are still working on names at this point. So far for a girl we have Cara Layne, and for a boy...Coleman Ralph. So, we will see how long these names last. I am sure we will make changes before May. Right now I am not sure what we are having. I banter back and forth. My Dad and my MIL asked if we could find out the sex, and I said "NO WAY". It will be a surprise like the other 4!!So, that is what is going on right now. I am exhausted today. It was a good day tho. I should take a 12 week belly shot to add in here. I will get Cliff to do that.

Week 11

How your baby's growing: Your fig-sized baby is now fully formed — measuring 1 1/2 inches long and weighing in at a quarter of an ounce. His skin is still transparent, allowing many of his blood vessels to show through. Some of his bones are beginning to harden, and tiny toothbuds are starting to appear under his gums. His fingers and toes have separated, and he may soon be able to open and close his fists. He's already busy kicking and stretching, and his tiny movements are so fluid they look like water ballet. These movements will increase as his body grows and becomes more developed and functional. As his diaphragm develops, your tiny tenant may also start to get the hiccups. Because he's still so small, though, you won't feel any of his workouts or intrauterine gulps until sometime between weeks 16 and 20.
So, 11 weeks today. And I feel a bit better. I am scared to type that. Last night we had tacos and the smell of the turkey meat and spices made me feel really green. At night my belly is all bloated and I feel uncomfortable already. I know that is because my pants are too tight. I may need to go buy some maternity clothing soon. I am trying to hold off for a bit. Wow. I cannot believe how fast, yet slow this first trimester has been going. Hopefully by week 14 (3 weeks) I will be able to exercise again, eat properly and have my water again. I hate not eating well. I am sick of my Preggie Pops. I have decided that I don't like the Lemon or Tangerine flavours.Everybody knows about this baby now, and we are chugging away at names. I really hope we can get a nice name for this baby. My MIL suggest Chanel (No. 5) as a name. That is too funny. I said Mom it has to be a hard C name. She said can't you do something different for the last baby??? I said NOPE. Has to be a hard C!I am thinking this baby is a girl. I thought boy initially, but the pregnancy is much like Catrina's. So, I guess only time will tell. It will be interesting to hear the heartrate!! That will tell me. It has worked 4/4 times for us!!

Week 10:

Whoo Hoo.What happens to me?By the tenth week of pregnancy, you may also find yourself riding pregnancy's emotional roller coaster, feeling moody one day and joyful the next. Disturbing as this is to some women who pride themselves on being in control, what you're going through is normal and will probably continue throughout your pregnancy. Up-and-down emotions are partly caused by fluctuating and (in many cases) very high levels of hormones. You are still tired and probably nauseated. You may be urinating more frequently. Your uterus has not become big enough to press on your bladder yet, but you may find yourself going to the bathroom much more often. This is just another symptom of the increased hormones in your body and can be one of the first symptoms you notice. Frequent urination will last through your whole pregnancy, with a marked increase during your last month or two when the baby will probably be pressing on your bladder most of the time. If you should have any burning or pain during urination, contact your doctor immediately. You could have a bladder infection and will need to take a prescription medication to clear it up. If you are over 35 or have a family history of genetic illness, you may want to consider a chorionic villus sampling (CVS), a prenatal test usually given between 10 and 12 weeks that screens for birth defects and abnormalities.How much will I be showing?Your abdomen may begin to pooch out, but it will be more from bowel distension than from an enlarged uterus. You may also notice that your waistline is slowly disappearing.What happens to baby?The baby is now called a fetus and resembles a peapod. Tiny toes have formed now. The eyes are largely open, but soon the eyelids will fuse and stay that way until 25-27 weeks. The wrists are more developed, ankles have formed, and the fingers and toes are clearly visible. Arms are growing longer and bend at the elbows. By week's end, the inner workings of the ears are complete. Though you cannot yet identify the sex of the fetus by ultrasound, external genitals are beginning to form. By now the placenta has developed enough to support most of the critical job of producing hormones.How big is the baby?The average length is approximately 1 ½ inches long and it weighs four grams, or about the weight of four paper clips.------------------------------------
I am so glad to reach this milestone of double digits! I feel sick still, and very tired. I don't have a huge appetite, and I miss drinking water. I cannot stand to drink much of anything these days. Hopefully morning sickness will go away in the next 4-5 weeks at the maximum. I am getting so close to the next trimester which is so exciting.

Week 9...almost 10 Weeks! Double Digits!

Well, tomorrow I hit the double digits...I am so glad. I have been feeling TERRIBLE. I have been sucking on those Preggie Drops for the past week. I ran out, and I went to buy some more this morning and they were not open until 10:30. I need to go back after I pick the gals up from preschool. I woke up with a headache today. No big surprize there. I didn't sleep well. Up till after 3 am. But, I fell asleep on the couch from 6:30-11:30 pm. I felt so sick and tired. I will be so glad to get out of this trimester and into "the honeymoon" trimester. I love the 3 middle months of pregnancy. I will feel like a million bucks and then I will start to feel baby moving! Whoo hoo. So many exciting changes on the way.I am relieved that the whole family knows now! Now if I feel sick or tired I can be sick or tired.

Happy Thanksgiving (Canadian that is)

Today is Sunday, October 9th 2005 and I am 9 weeks and 1 day pregnant. It was Thanksgiving Dinner at my Aunty Madeleine's tonight. Yummy food. I have been sucking on Preggie Drops all day. They seem to help quite a bit in the nausea department.Well, you can tell I look pregnant already. Not surprising being pregnancy number 6, and after eating all the yummy dinner and desserts...well. Bloated belly too. Cliff said on the ride there...I bet you your sister April will ask you if you are pregnant. I said well maybe. Well, sure enough, April cornered me in the hallway and said Cath? Are you Pregnant? And with a straight face I say no...She said you didn't have a glass of wine. I said it was only because my ears were bugging me still from my tubes being put in on Sept 26th. Too funny. On the drive home I had to open up my skirt as it was cutting into my belly. So, at home Claire says why is your belly so big, I said I have a turkey in there. She laughed and then she said the same thing to Cliff. Kids are so cute.Happy Thanksgiving!

Week 9

This is day number 64You're 9 weeks pregnantYour baby's age since conception is 50 days / 7 weeksThere are 216 days until your due date! (77.1% to go)

Hello! If dramatic mood swings leave you feeling like a soap-opera actress this week, you're not alone. Hormonal fluctuations are giving your emotions the yo-yo treatment right now. One minute you're ripping into your mate for leaving the toilet seat up, and the next you're weeping over a telephone company commercial. Take comfort in knowing that those same volatile hormones are helping your baby grow. In fact, this week marks the first time that your baby looks almost human. He's nearly the size of a grape and has all the standard body parts in place now — though they'll go through plenty of fine-tuning between now and your due date.
Today is Saturday October 8th. Yesterday I turned 34. I love having a little secret from everybody! I just love it. Today our baby is officially a FETUS!

This baby is my birthday present, my Christmas Present, My Valentine's Present, my Anniversary Present and my Mother's Day Present. And, in June when Baby is here...Cliff's Father's day present. This baby is a gift that just keeps giving.

This morning I had excess saliva, I coughed. That is what caused it. Then, in the shower. I threw up. YUCK. I hope this part of pregnancy will be over in 5 weeks. It is hard to hide a pregnancy when you feel like pure poop. LOL. And, my regular pants are getting VERY snug. They have been since I found out I was pregnant. Amazing how quickly my body just knows what to do.Because I sold all of my pregnancy books, on Wednesday night (past) Cliff and I went out to Chapters and had a coffee at Starbucks and I bought another pregnancy bible book. What to Expect (revised) Even though I have been through this 4 times before, I am more excited than ever. This experience is one I just love and cherish. I am so excited to meet this baby in May. I really think this one is a boy. I have been praying for a brother for Cameron. Should this baby be a girl, I am SOOO OK with that too. I would be happy for Catrina to have a sister to hang around with. Also, we have stuff for a boy or a girl!!

Week 8


If you could peek into your womb this week, you'd see that your baby's fingers and toes are growing longer, her eyelids practically cover her eyes, and her embryonic tail is just about gone. Of course, it's still too early to tell whether your kidney-bean sized baby is a boy or a girl because the telltale parts aren't visible yet, but go ahead and play the guessing game. Many moms-to-be say they have an inkling early on — and often they're right!FINALLY I had my first Doctor's appt on Wednesday, October 5th at 3:30 pm. History taken...Doctor laughs as my file is HUGE. We do all of the necessary stuff. When was your last period. August 6th. I tell my doctor. I can tell you how far along I am. 8 weeks 4 days, and I am due May 13th (day before Mothers Day). Right and Right. Am I good or what! I guess I have some experience now. LOL. Everything is good. Urine (I forget how much I hate peeing into a cup each visit), Blood Pressure was good. My internal exam was good. Didn't need a pap test after all. Just a feel around. My uterus was measuring 8-9 weeks. Right on track. I feel crappy. Everything is going according to schedule. Headaches disappear. I feel RELIEF. Went for my bloodwork. 6-7 tubes later. A OK. Official paperwork done. I am really pregnant. I said to my Doctor. "Don't tell ANYBODY"...he said when are you going to tell? I said maybe in 4-5 weeks. Depending on if I can hide the belly for a bit. And, this morning sickness.

Week 6 and 7

Week 6, day 2. Morning sickness hits. Yuck. I totally hate this feeling. Rest of the week is on and off sickness. Much like my pregnancy with Catrina.Week 7...ah. I am past the point of where I miscarried pregnancy no. 4 (Between Carly and Catrina) RELIEF.

Week 4 and 5

End of Week 4 - Pinkish spotting. Freaked me out. But it went away. I felt relief. 6 days later end of Week 5 - Pinkish spotting. Really freaked me out, but thank heavens it went away.Wow. I really am pregnant and everything will be OK.

Cathy's Having a 5th Baby! How I found out!

I found out I was pregnant with no. 5 on Friday, September 2nd 2005. I felt kind of off, and low and behold I took a Clearblue Easy and there was seriously the faintest of blue line. I almost didn't believe it. So, I went to the store, bought a two pack on the Saturday the 3rd, and bammo a faint plus sign again! I showed Cliff. He didn't believe it. Then, later I took another test. Another line. Then Sunday I took two more. Monday morning at 9 am I called into my Doctors, and they said come on down and do a test. I did it there. "Yes you are". Wow. It is official. I am pregnant again. Pregnancy number 6. Baby number 5 is on it's way.Here is my posting from "UMMMMMM"OK...well... I CANNOT SLEEP. For the past few days I have felt "off".I had a pregnancy test from back a few months ago, and I took it 3 days ago. I swore I saw a line, but it took about 10 mins to see it. I thought I was imagining it. So, yesterday. I go, maybe I am pregnant? I will go and buy a two pack of the Clear Blue Easy. NOT the digital one. (The test that turns into a plus sign). I took one mid day yesterday. After holding my bladder for a few hours. And, there was a faint line...right as soon as the test was at the 1 minute. I actually brought Cliff in to look at the test. He saw a FAINT line. Cliff says to me "Maybe your period is on the way or something". That was it. We haven't talked about it since. OK, so now I am actually like well maybe I am pregnant. So, this morning I took yet another test using FMU. But I am very well hydrated, and maybe that is why it is so light right now? And there was another FAINT line, perhaps darker than yesterday. I kinda feel like it? I don't have anymore tests available. I will have to go spend another fortune LOL. I think I will wait for another few days to see if the line gets darker? What do the Pregnant Experts think? should I book Doc. Appt? This is crazy. Usually my tests go extremely dark, but I didn't even think my cycles were on track? So maybe it is very early in the preg? if I am indeed pregnant. According to the photo in the pamphlet...mine was like the "C" photo just a hair lighter.