Preggers (again with No. 5) and Proud!

Baby Number 5 for Cathy and Cliff is expected May 13th (what a great Mothers Day gift) 2006. Right now we have 4 kids. Cameron is 6, Claire is 5, Carly is 3.5 and Catie is 1 year old. We have a larger family than the normal, but we have lots of love in the house!

Friday, April 28, 2006

Induction Update: April 28th (Friday)

An Update:

My doctor called me today, and now he is scheduling my induction/breaking of water for
Tuesday, May 2nd 2006

I am so excited to meet this baby! I will still have to do the call in at 6:30 am and hopefully be at the hospital at 7:30 am. One of the ladies who were going to be induced had her baby! Thanks! Better for us!
No. 5
Coming Tuesday!

Wednesday, April 26, 2006

37/38 Week Appointment Update April 26th 2006

37 Week 4 Day Belly Shots, and a
Close up just for fun!

There has been progress people!!
3 cms down, and 7 long ones to go!

Apparently I have made progress. So, the shooting hip pains, contractions and pains shooting down my cervix are doing some good work!

At my appointment today, I was a good 3 cms, and baby's head is well applied to my cervix with a "bulging" bag of water! I screamed when I heard makes everything real! Yikes. So, everything else at my appointment went as per normal. Blood pressure was awesome. Baby's heartbeat was 144 bpm.

And, now. I have experienced my LAST prenatal appointment ever. EVER! How crazy. So, it could be any time, but Dr. D has scheduled me for an "induction" on May 3rd. I am to call the L&D at 6:30 to HOPEFULLY head in by 7:30 in the morning. But, I will not place bets on that date. I don't want to feel disappointed, like when I was induced with happened a day later than what we had hoped for. Dr. D will not give up tho. He will be calling in and checking to see if any of the inductions have birthed their babies in hopes that I can get in earlier on the 1st or the 2nd. So, either way. Baby will be here within 7/8 days max. That is a good feeling.

I told my doctor that I have been feeling rather sick, and nervous (really nervous) about the birth of this baby. And he said that the way I feel is completely normal. And also because it is my last pregnancy, and the end of this chapter in my life. Gosh, I have spent the last 7 years either conceiving, birthing and breastfeeding our kids. And he also mentioned that I have had a harder pregnancy because of all of the troubles found during my 3 ultrasounds etc. Nerve wracking for sure. So, anyways. He decided that an induction is the way to go. Especially because I have rather fast labours! But, he said if I feel ANYTHING at call the L&D and ask them to call him too so that he doesn't miss out on delivering our final baby.

He will be delivering the final piece of the puzzle.That is a sad feeling, yet oh so liberating to me! It has been wonderful to have Cliff home this week, and I anticipate the next 4 weeks will be just as wonderful! The kids are having such a great time with him! We finished off a few more things. The linen closet has flooring and all the linens are put away, and the infant seat has been adjusted.

I just have my bag to pack. I have everything ready to go, but for some reason I don't want to pack it just yet. I can throw it together in a pinch tho!

So that is good.

So anyways. That is my update in a nutshell.


Baby No. 5 coming May 3rd!
7 days to go, if not sooner!

Wednesday, April 19, 2006

Week 36/37 Doctors Appointment Update

Big ol Belly Shot 36 Weeks and 4 Days

I cannot believe that on Saturday I will be 37 weeks already. I had a good doctor's appointment today. Baby has dropped lower again, and the heartrate was back up to 152...hhmmm. I wonder what that means? Anyways. I lost 2 pounds. The swelling has gone down a bit in my legs and feet. And the Group B Strep swap came back NEGATIVE! I have been having so many braxton hicks with this baby lately. My hips get sore when I get the braxton hicks. It is so weird, as I have never felt the pain go down the sides of both of my legs during these. Sooooo sore. Walking is becoming a chore these days. And bending down, well almost impossible. But I am still walking the kids to school and back, and managing very well to get through the day. I feel pretty happy about that. My doctor calls me his "model patient" because of how well I am coping with everything at the END of my pregnancy. I am 9 months here, and still managing quite well. I am in really good spirits! I am just so EXCITED to meet this little one! I want to know if it is a boy or a girl! I still say girl. So does Cliff.

We have had a lot of sickness in our house this week, starting on Easter Sunday with our littlest, Catie. She threw up all over herself and the crib. Bath for her and laundry galore. Thankfully only two rounds. Easter Monday, Carly gets sick in her bed, and all over her. Into the bath she goes, and then more laundry. Wednesday, Catie starts getting a runny bum, it happened at night, and poop leaked out onto her and her bedding. More laundry. Poor baby girl. And then Carly and Catie have very runny noses. Then yesterday, Cliff came home early because his stomach was acting up so he slept on the couch for 3 hours. My stomach hurt too, but thankfully today I feel better. Cameron told me tonight that his tummy was sore. Thankfully nobody is sick tonight. So the worst must be over. I cannot believe how much laundry soap we went through this week. My goodness.

I also managed to break the shower head pipe in our ensuite shower Monday night. Call it nesting, but all I wanted was a cleaned out shower...I was down on all fours scrubbing away with Tilex and a new grout scrubber, and then I went to rinse, and pushed the head of the shower and snap...oooops. Call it Momma strength or something, but it was not intentional. So, hopefully by tomorrow it will all be fixed up. Now I feel out of order because the shower is still dirty, and now Cliff went in behind the shower wall (which is the linen closet in our main hall) and there is wet in there too. So, out came the carpeting in there, a pillow in the garbage and now some drywall will be ripped out and repaired. (Cliff thinks that there was an old existing leak from some time ago according the mold in there) So now my linens are spread about the house. Talk about frustrating. All I want is a clean shower, and to be organized for when the baby arrives. And I want everybody to be healthy.

I now have a suitcase waiting in our room to be packed. And, only a few things to purchase. But really, if baby came tonight, I would be ready! And I think next week would be a great time to have a baby. I keep saying the 26th of April. It is a Wednesday, and our busiest day with fieldtrips for 3/4 kids. I guess we will have to wait a bit longer. As my Doctor said it could happen before my next appointment also on the 26th. Stranger things have happened. I do know that I have pedicure appointment and a hair appointment booked for the 29th, but I want to change the pedi to this weekend. I just feel like I should. The roots can wait!

So, that is my update.

Cathy36 Weeks and 4 Days

Monday, April 17, 2006

Week 36!

Week 36 (what only 26 days left until my due date?)

I find it hard to believe that I am truly in the home stretch! I cannot believe that our last baby will be here within the next 26 days! This pregnancy has gone fast, and yet slow at times. I think being an "expectant mom" really comes into play in these last weeks. I know this baby is coming out, but when???! For me they are full of joy, excitement, worry, happiness, sadness and anticipation. Mostly joyful though. I have finally been enjoying being pregnant with this baby. Feeling this new life moving about my uterus, and sharing my personal space with him or her. It has been such a special journey with this baby. A sense of pure joy.

I know I will truly will miss this phase of my life, especially when Cliff and I start talking about him going for a vasectomy after the baby is born, how final this stage of life will become. A wonderful set of memories...of my childbirthing years.

May 9th Cliff and I will have been married for 8 years. And if you think of that, that is 6 pregnancies/5 kids in 8 years! No wonder I will miss this. I have been practically pregnant for almost our whole marriage. I found out I was pregnant with Cameron when were only married for 6 months. I will not miss, these veins, the sciatic pain, the tired feeling, the lack of sleep, the aching body etc. But I will FOREVER cherish all of the last of the firsts with this baby. I know now our family will be complete.

I know my body cannot physically handle another baby. I need to get these veins taken care of, and start taking care of myself, and my family. I want to be able to have fun with Cliff, and and experience more as a couple. We will experience new things...such as, no more diapers, first foods (messy) sippy cups etc. Being able to leave the house without a diaper bag, and extra stuff just incase I get spit up all over me etc. Less to pack up when we just want to go out for a quick drive to the store.

I know with each baby, the kids get "bumped" from their previous positions, and now my current baby Catie will become a "big sister." I look at her now, and I go my darling little Catie, you are a mere baby yourself at only 19 months old. But, I know you will be a great big Sis. I am so excited for you to become that big Sis. Your baby Sister or Brother will be so lucky to have you as their older Sister.

We can grow up together as a family, and not have to worry about the "baby"...although this one will always be my baby.

I have so many feelings, that I cannot even put them all down here, except to say that I am so glad we chose this path of having a large family. It was the right path for us. Our kids have been so accepting of new babies/kids into the family. And their excitment shows Cliff and I that this baby was meant to be here with us.

Who would of guessed that I would be the one with 5 kids?! 20 years ago, I would have said no to marriage and kids. I am so glad that my life took this path. I am so glad to have such a wonderful, supportive and caring family.

I know that this special time is limited, and I try not to complain too much about the way my body feels physically, and emotionally I think I am ready to meet this baby, but I am cherishing every move, punch, jab and roll until baby arrives. I don't want to be grouchy, or moody or complain, because I have so much to be thankful for these days. I will try not let the trivial little things get to me, I will just be thankful for this blessing in my belly who will be my forever baby.

I still have some stuff to prepare, and a nest to fluff. Heck, we still don't have a van that will accomodate all 7 of us!

I was reading 5 Little Monkeys to my girls last night, and I saw these 5 little monkeys in the illustrations jumping on the bed, and I realized...I will have that! (well except that they will not be real monkeys!!) but I will have 5 kids! Wow. The amount looked just right to me! All of the seats on my bench are full now. Our family will be complete in a matter of weeks.

I cannot wait to meet you baby!

Cathy36 Weeks 2 Days

Wednesday, April 12, 2006

Appointment Update: 35 4/7th Weeks Along

Today was a great appointment. Everything is on track. I have my papers to carry around with me, so I know I am getting closer to D day. Today I got the lovely Group B Strep swab. And, I asked my Doc to check me out to see what kind of progress I am making.

Well he did, and this is what he reported to me after my check:

Heartrate is 140 bpm (you know what that's a baby!)
I am a good 2 cms dialated already
and what I saw yesterday would have been the mucous plug because I asked about it
And, my cervix is very soft and rarin' to go.
He reported to me that I will not be carrying this baby to "term"

So, all in all a great appointment. I have booked my next "week" appointments, and...that is all I will tell right now. I don't want to jinx anything! Stay tuned. Baby could surprise us any day, but until then I am thinking May thoughts.

Still having an abundance of back pain/sciatic/braxton hicks/swollen legs and ankles. So all of the pre labour symptoms. It is too early for baby to come out anyways! But baby could have other plans...who knows. Maybe the baby will show up Easter morning!


Monday, April 10, 2006

Week 35 (5 weeks to go)

The 35 Week Belly Shot

Your baby doesn't have much room to maneuver now that she's over 18 inches long and weighs over 5 pounds. In fact, most of her development is complete. From here on, she's mostly concentrating on fattening up. You don't have a lot of room to grow either — your uterus is now about 15 times its normal size.
Wow, I forgot how tiring and long the last part of pregnancy is. You would think a person could remember, but I sure can't. In the last two days, I have been experiencing, nausea, acid reflux so bad, that I have to get up and take TUMS in the middle of the night. The swelling of my bottom legs, feet and ankles. I have never ever had swelling last for this long...and I am back to feeling sick when smelling certain smells like popcorn, bbq'd meat etc. I am gagging again on my toothbrush. I thought I was going to throw up the past two mornings. And, now I am going pee so much. This baby has really dropped further, and I feel like I have basketball between my legs. I have a full on waddle. No hiding this baby LOL. Last night I experienced about 5 sets of braxton hicks within about 10-15 mins. They were one ontop of the other. I forgot how tight a uterus can contract. Almost tight enough to take my breath away. So, these are all good signs that my body is preparing very well for this baby's arrival. Now it is the waiting game.
This weekend was good, I got a chance to go shopping (for Baby) with my Mom and my Mom in Law. And go for breakfast with them too. I got some much needed baby stuff bought. The baby book, calendar, Lilypadz, and a great feeding pillow. Next week I will do the last of the shopping. So, everything will be crossed of the list. yipeee. Then baby can show up whenever he/she decides to make an appearance.

I also washed up gender neutral undershirts, sleepers, blankets, receiving blankets, the 3 new outfits in blue, pink and green for baby's first clothes. I washed up the changemat covering and the change mats. I just need to fold them up. I cannot believe how small the little items are! I am also going to get a change basket ready to go for our room, and get the diaper bag ready to go too. I do have newborn diapers in the house!
I have my 35 week/36 week doctors appointment this Wed. I will get the "wonderful" Group B Strep swap done...lovely. And I hope that the doc will give a bit of a "check" to see if there is any progression...not that it really makes a difference. I would just like to know.
Baby continues to be active, and I feel like there is an octopus in there some days! Movement all over the place. Especially when I want to go to bed! I am getting up on average of 3-4 times a night now to pee.

So there is my update, nothing really exciting, but there is an end in sight!
4 weeks and 5 days left, but who is counting!

Thursday, April 06, 2006

My Pregnancy Photography Session - April 5th at 34 weeks 4 days

The photos were taken to remember and cherish my last pregnancy with this baby...

Specialist Appointment Update April 5th 2006

Yesterday, Cliff and I met for the first time with the Urologist at Childrens Hospital at 4pm. We got in on time, and we met with him, and he had reviewed the films that our doctor forwarded to him. He says it is either one of two things. As we all know, that the affected kidney is the baby's left one. The right one is perfect. There are mulitple cysts (fluid filled sacks on the top portion)

1. MCDK aka Multicystic Dysplastic Kidney as we have talked about before with Dr. D.

2. Hydronephrosis: This this is a new one. Basically an enlarged kidney or water on the kidney.

The good news is that, Dr. McN has "no faith in prenatal ultrasounds for diagnosis" so he was my immediate friend LOL. Our meeting was very short. He basically said that either diagnosis is NOT LIFE THREATENING, and both have positive outcomes for a very NORMAL quality of life for this child. Isn't that the best thing! That is all I want for this baby! A normal, happy healthy life. Dr. McN also told us that a person only needs 1/3 of one kidney to live! Isn't that amazing too.

I will give birth at my normal hospital, and my super doctor. And, at 3 days of life, this baby will need to go for an ultrasound (locally) to check out any problems, and to take films of the kidney in question. My doctor will get the results, and these film will be forwared to Dr. McN at Childrens. He (Dr. McN) will then diagnose what baby does or doesn't have. And we will take action from there. So, we are in good hands. The specialist is not worried, and has seen this happen a lot. He also asked if we knew the sex of our baby, and we told him no. He then shared with us, that statistically speaking any problem with a left kidney is found more often with boys. Makes me go hmmmm.

So, basically he took us through 3 scenarios:

1. This problem that was spotted on the ultrasound could just go away and nothing will be wrong when our baby is born. The ultrasound at 3 days will confirm. A lot of prenatally diagnosed issues resolve themselves before the birth

2. There could be a series of testing done depending on what they find, ultrasound, kidney function testing, and perhaps at between ages 1 or 2 a partial or total kidney removal done through the baby's back. (this would be the worst case) or fixing of a tube that connects the kidney to the bladder. About a 1/4 of all of his patients require a surgery. So that is quite low too.

3. Nothing, take a wait and see approach and see if the kidney would just disappear and become reabsorbed into the body.

So, there you have the info in a nutshell. The doctor will not diagnose right now, only give us the possibilities, and he is not worried. Certainly he made Cliff and I feel a lot more relaxed and glad to know what are to expect in the near future.

He also gave Cliff a list of about 4 great urologists in the neighbourhood for the big ol Vasectomy!! One was even a female, and one right out of grad school.

All and all a great day. After our appointment, we headed over to Amy and Tyler's to visit and give hugs and to hear all about their great trip to Australia. They both looked so happy and healthy and so brown!! Wow. It was a lovely visit.

I just have to record comments that I am receiving daily at this point:

1. Are you sure there are not more than one in there?
2. You have dropped, I give you a week. That baby is coming out soon!
3. You are huge!
4. When is your due date? And I tell them, and then they say "Sorry" LOL
5. I don't think your baby will be a May baby! It is coming out in April!
6. Oh...your poor feet and legs (due to the swelling)
7. Do you know what you are having???? I think it is a...
8. I bet you want a boy eh, so that you can have bookends!
9. Ohhh, another girl...I feel sorry for you and
10. Any time now eh!!


Monday, April 03, 2006

A Web Cam Photo of my Parents, Catie and I this morning

This picture was taken this morning at my parents house. I go there Monday mornings for breakfast when the girls are at preschool. I think it is nice! And it is nice to chat and put my feet up for an hour and half, and watch Catie have so much fun with my parents! She loves it! And so do I! It sure makes my Monday's a whole lot better!
Catie was waving to Papa on the computer screen!

I am going to be an Aunty, and Cliff is going to be an Uncle!

The Proud Parents to Be...April and Nick

My sister April and her husband Nick are expecting their first baby!! They are due October 15th, 2006. Our whole family is so excited to meet the new baby, and my parents are over the moon with excitement of having 2/3 daughters pregnant, and 2 new babies to the family this year!! I have been keeping this secret for over 4 weeks now...she needed to let our other sister Amy in on the good news. (Amy has been away on holiday in Australia for the past 6 weeks and comes back on Wed!) She found out via email and is so happy too!! Have a healthy and happy pregnancy April!!