Preggers (again with No. 5) and Proud!

Baby Number 5 for Cathy and Cliff is expected May 13th (what a great Mothers Day gift) 2006. Right now we have 4 kids. Cameron is 6, Claire is 5, Carly is 3.5 and Catie is 1 year old. We have a larger family than the normal, but we have lots of love in the house!

Thursday, March 30, 2006

The Room is Finished

This is looking into the doorway, if this baby is a boy he will stay here forever. If the baby is a girl, she will room with Cameron for 1 year, and then move into the gals room.
Crib, dresser second hand. I also got the mattress and two white matching change tables for 50 dollars CDN. Good deal I think. This room was bbb before with beige walls and ugly dirty cream coloured carpeting. Cliff painted and did the flooring and got everything ready in under 1 week! I love my handy husband.

The C for??? and the dresser (empty right now) and the change pad.

The bedding is the bedding that we bought in Sears in Bellis Fair Mall about 7 years ago. It is Carters and it still looks new! This is the last time we will use this. Once we know what the sex of the baby is we will embellish with the correct colours!! Stay tuned!

Week 33 and 5 Day Appointment

A close up, and this shot looks a lot like my belly with Claire

Week 33 5 Day Belly Shot

Well, I just got back from my appointment, and as Claire and I were walking up to the building, we saw GG (my Grannie/GG for the great grandkids) which was cool. Her appointment was 20 mins later than ours so we got to chat. That was fun.I am really swollen, and put on 5 pounds in 2 weeks due to the swelling. Everything else was good today though. Claire got to turn on the doppler, and hold it for Dr. D. He asked Claire what Mommy was having? A brother or a sister, and she said a pony...we joked that that would be an easier delivery, and we could leave the pony in the yard. A lot less work than a baby. Baby's heartrate was 152 today, and quite a bit higher than in the past! know what that means...LOL it's a baby!

I have my specialist appointment next Wednesday at Children's hospital. The same day my sister Amy and Tyler come home. Then I have my next appointment on the 13th of April. That will be my last 2 week appointment, then I am moving to the 1 week appointments! Crazy. We cannot believe really how little time left there is in my final pregnancy.

There really is not much left to do. I am going to wash up the gender neutral receiving blankets, and blankets etc. Find the infant headrest. Tomorrow I get to have tea with my cousin Andrea, and borrow their infant seat and some little onesies and sleepers. That will make it real.

On the 8th, I will go for breakfast with my Mom and my MIL and then head to A Baby's World to buy a baby book, a calendar and a new nursing pillow. I will need to do a small shop for odds n' ends. And really, I am ready to go. I don't feel stressed at all. I am just letting things be.

Cliff thinks we are having a girl (in hopes of being incorrect) you see Cliff has been wrong all 4 times!
I think it is a girl - I have been right 2/4 times
Claire thinks it is a girl
Carly thinks it is a girl
Cameron thinks it is a boy
*Angelo who has been right 21/21 times says girl...

We are seriously looking for a 11 passenger van...yes I said 11 passenger! So if you see one, please let us know! Seriously. This will be the ultimate fun bus right can all come in that van!!



Tuesday, March 28, 2006

Our Family Motto

Our family is a circle of strength and love.
With every birth and every union the circle grows.
Every joy shared adds more love.
Every crisis faced together makes the circle stronger!

Saturday, March 25, 2006

It ain't pretty...

This is the view from my perspective,
looking over the belly, and towards my swollen legs and feet!

Swollen feet and legs last night


I am reminded of the lyrics to Pretty Vegas (INXS) of the part where it goes:

It ain't pretty
After the show
It ain't pretty when the pretty leaves you
With no place to go
So if you think you want it
Just come in and get it
It ain't pretty

when I look down, well I mean, peer sideways around the belly of mine to look at my swollen feet!

I thought I would take a photo or two to document this...and beware...It ain't pretty when the pretty leaves you! I asked my sister April if I should document this, and she said "Yes."

I wonder what JD Fortune would think of these feet LOL. I guess I shouldn't scare you all away with a photo of my Varicose veins eh??

These two photos were taken last night by me, so sorry that they are a bit blurry.

Thursday, March 23, 2006

First Day of Spring in Vancouver

These lovely first day of Spring photos were captured by my lovely sister April. She knows how much I love Spring! We were both married in the spring. She was capturing the lovely cherry blossoms.
Thanks April xo

Tuesday, March 21, 2006

Week 32 and less than 8 weeks to go!

It's getting awfully snug in there! Your baby weighs almost 4 pounds and is almost 17 inches long. You're gaining a pound a week now, and roughly half of that goes right to your baby. In fact, he'll gain a third to half of his birth weight during the next seven weeks as he fattens up for survival outside the womb. A side effect of your growing belly may be low back pain and possibly some pain in your buttocks and thighs. Be sure to tell your caregiver if the pain is severe or you feel numbness or tingling in your legs.

Well, less than 8 weeks to go until our due date!

Yesterday was the first day of spring, and spring is my FAVOURITE season. And that means this is the SEASON our baby will be born. That is so exciting to me. Lately, I am finding it hard to stay up til 11 pm. I find myself falling asleep on the couch, and wake up around 1 am and heading to bed. Oh well. I have also been experiencing very swollen feet and ankles and boy are they attractive LOL.

This baby has been very active, I have been feeling really strong kicks to the ribs and big punches way down low. And for the past two days I have been feeling the baby hiccup which is so cute! I love that feeling. I have felt it about 3 times now. This baby has a sense of humour too, as when the baby is moving all about, and Cliff goes to put his hand on the belly to feel the baby move, the baby stops!! It is like the baby knows and plays this game with Daddy. I think it is quite amusing. Cliff, doesn't find it that funny!

The kids go back and forth as to what we are having. And Claire keeps telling me how big my belly is getting. Cliff even said "You look cute today!" (yesterday) I have quite the belly and will have to post a current photo soon! It is large! I am getting to the point where the shirts are not covering up the belly anymore.

I have been getting quite a few braxton hicks too. I forgot how tight a belly can tighten with those! They almost take your breath away they are so tight.

On the name front: We are considering a name change or two? and will share this when the baby arrives! So stay tuned. We feel pleased now! This baby has been the hardest to name so far!

I have asked a good friend of mine to take some pregnancy photos too, so I can capture this beautiful belly of mine. And, I really hope Cliff helps me with a belly casting too. I plan on finishing these fun items within the next 3-4 weeks as I am in my 8th month already.

Over the weekend, Cliff painted and installed the flooring in Cameron's room/Baby room. It looks wonderful and Cliff worked so hard to get it done. He did a wonderful job, and I am so thankful for a handy husband who can do things the right way! Cliff will install the crib, and bring up the dresser on the weekend, and that way we can get organized for the baby. Once the room is complete, I will post some photos. I am very pleased and the room is very warm and inviting. So much better than the boring old shoe box room before.

Another dilemma: We (meaning the 7 of us) will not fit into our mini van. So, we are truly considering purchasing an 8-11-15 passenger van. We have always joked about a
"School Bus" for our family. And, perhaps it will come true. LOL. We need to do something because I don't think we want to take 2 vehicles around LOL. So, if you see or know of a good deal on a passenger van! Let us know eh!!

So, that is about it for now!

32 weeks and 3 days!

Thursday, March 16, 2006

Week 31 Doctors Appointment

Well, I had a great appointment today! It is hard to believe I am writing that down in here!!

My last appointment was 3 weeks ago. I stood on the scale and put on less than 3 pounds from that appointment. My blood pressure was awesome, urine was fine. Dr. D showed me my test results which were indeed perfect!! The numbers on there were soooo low! He joked and said that he wants to test me again because they are so low. I said to him I have spent 4 hours too much in there reading magazines from 2002/2003! Whoopee.

The baby's heartrate was 140. He says to me, you know what that means don't you?! And I's a baby! And he says finally after 5 babies you learned something! Usually I answer it's a girl or it's a boy!!

The baby has now turned head down too! I had a night where I felt like there was a "rollercoaster feeling" in my belly. I swear that is the day the baby flopped to head down. I have been feeling alot of the movement up high now. Dr. Delair says everything is going awesome. When Dr. D drew a picture on his chart it looked like a little cherry on there. I couldn't help but smile!! And when he was writing the results of the 3 hour Glucose test on my chart he wrote OK (and Thank God) in brackets! Gotta love my doc!

He could tell that "Cathy" was back. I was in a great mood. I am so happy today! I feel like celebrating today! Finally I feel like me! Only better! Worry doesn't help anything really. I am really pleased.

I cannot believe that I am on the 2 week circuit now, and my next appointment is March 30th! Almost another calendar month already! Wow! I am in the nearing the end already and this pregnancy has suddenly flown by! I am just going to enjoy every moment.

We talked about delivery day, and he said he was going away for the May long weekend (May 22nd) and I said that baby will be way outta there by then! And he said yes, we will make sure of it! He knows me so well. (Reason for Induction: You don't want to mess with Cathy! Keep her happy LOL)


Wednesday, March 15, 2006

the "Dreaded" call

Today, as I was making lunch the phone rings. I answer "Hello?" And guess who is on the other line? But my Doctor! He called me personally. Yikes! My heart sank initially hearing his voice, and thought oh my...I must have failed the test.


I passed the 3 hour Gestational Diabetes test and he said it was "PERFECT" and he just wanted to share the good news with me, before my appointment tomorrow. Initially when he read the report, he said he was afraid of the results as he knew how upset I was at being told I need to go to an appointment at the hospital for Gestational Diabetes from the results of the 1 hour test. He didn't want to give me more bad news! But he was relieved too! So, I said to him "You do not know how happy you have made me!" He said I know how happy you are.

So, it goes to show that tests aren't always right! I followed my gut and my gut was right! It was the combination of stress, being over tired, sick and eating a sugary/high carb fast food meal the night before.

There are small miracles, and he said the rest of the pregnancy will be great! I couldn't agree more! That sure was a good phone call!!!


Now I can relax for my appointment tomorrow! And just enjoy the appointment. (FINALLY)


Monday, March 13, 2006

Week 31 and 2 Days (but who's counting?!)

Your baby weighs just over 3 pounds and is a bit more than 16 inches long. She's probably moving more than ever before, too, so you may even have trouble sleeping because your baby's kicks and rolls keep you up at night. If you're having this problem, comfort yourself with the knowledge that your baby is active and healthy. You may also start to feel your uterus contract every now and then as your body gears up for delivery day. These Braxton Hicks contractions aren't the real thing, but if you get more than four contractions in an hour, give your doctor or midwife a call to make sure it's not preterm labor.
Well, I have less than 9 weeks to go until May 13th! Today is March 13th and that means two months to go until the EDD! I am feeling very excited to know the "END" is in sight.

Cliff and I got away this past weekend to Richmond for a lovely 2 night stay at Delta Vancouver Airport Hotel. We cashed in on our winnings from the Bridge Christmas party back in November 2005. We arrived late, and then went to the same Milestones where Cliff and I first went for dinner way back in February 1996. That was fun. We had appies, then we went to our old Starbucks at 2/Blundell for a coffee. Then we headed back to our hotel. We were on the 7th floor and we had a view of the Vancouver Airport. The bed was so comfy and relaxing! I felt so weird without the kids around! It was weird.

On Saturday morning, we got up and headed to the Richmond De Dutch. The same server Cheryl was still working there and she remembered us, so that was neat too. Then, we drove into Steveston and the sun was shining. We went for about a two hour walk around the village. Very nice and lots of fun. We saw some group leaving on the "Amazing Hunt". They screwed up on their first clue so that was kind of funny. The game is similar to the "Amazing Race." Then we went to Michaels to pick up some crafting stuff for the kids. Oragami paper for Cameron, and beading string for the girls. We then met April for lunch at the White Spot in Rmd. Centre mall. Then Cliff went to look at Gamer stuff for XBOX and I went shopping for 1 hour with April. That was fun.

At 3 pm. We met back up. And we ran into the nice guy Angelo who used to work with Cliff at the LD in Richmond. Way back 6 years ago, he guessed the sex of Cameron, and he has been right 21/21 times since he began guessing! So, I said Angelo what am I having? And I showed him my belly. He says: "GIRL". I shook his hand. So, we will see if dear old Angelo is right for 22/22! I remember when I was pregnant with Cameron, and he said "Boy" I was like no way this is a girl. But when he said that I said I think you are right! Only time will tell! So, we left April at the mall, and we went through Lansdowne Mall, and went to Best Buy. And we went to Toys R Us to pick up a gift for Cameron who has a party to attend on Sunday from 4-6 at Flip City! And then back to the hotel. Cliff fell asleep, and I watch TV and at 1/2 a bag of yummy caramel corn! And watch TLC! I watched 16 kids and Moving In. A continuation of the Duggar Family. That was fun. I then showered and got ready for dinner at the Keg. We got there about 8:30 pm. Had to wait for a bit. It is funny to go out with a big belly. Especially just Cliff and I. People just assume that we are having our first child. And offer us advice and tell us to enjoy this time blah blah blah. Too funny. So Cliff and I kind of snicker, and then say, well this is Baby Number 5! They freak out every time. That was kind of fun! So, we used our KEG gift card from the Bridge Christmas party. We both had nice dinners. And we had a server that Cliff remembered from 5 years ago when we took Claire there as an infant. She asked if this was our first baby, and we said no. This is number 5. So, anyways we had our dinner. And she asked if we wanted dessert. And, we said no. We were SUPER FULL!! So, she brings us the bill, and she brings us a Billy Miner Pie and says to us! Happy Number 5. That was so sweet. We then headed to the River Rock Casino to check it out. Cliff spent 5 bucks on a slot machine, and then we left. We went to bed. Cliff watched TV, and I fell asleep snoring apparently.

Sunday morning, another sunny beautiful day. We slept in, and then got ready for breakfast brunch in the hotel (also came with our Bridge winnings.) It was awesome. Again I heard stories about enjoying this time etc. Except this time I just kept the number of kids to ourselves. We finished up, went back up to the room and got our stuff and checked out.

We got into the car, and headed home. On the way we picked up some flowers for MIL. She really deserved them. And then we got back into our normal life. We dumped our bags, got the kids' shoes on and took them for a long walk and play at the park! They really enjoyed it. So, back to reality. It was lovely, but it was also so nice to come back to the people and the faces that we loved. The kids made a nice poster/banner for us to welcome us home! That was cute.

Well, so that is the weekend in a nutshell. It was so much needed and appreciated. The last time we got away together was when I was 31 weeks preggers with Catie and we filmed Crash Test Mommy. Well, that was July 2004. So, good to connect with Cliff again. Just as a married couple. So good. It was nice to laugh and talk again. And just be Cathy and Cliff with the added bonus of No. 5 in my belly!I have been feeling this baby move around a whole lot! I have been getting quite a bit of strong braxton hicks as well. Even as I sit here, I am getting one! So neat to feel those movements/tightness.

People keep asking if I am due this month, and I tell them, nope. 9 more weeks. So that is so typical of all of my other pregnancies. That makes me wonder if we will be meeting this baby earlier like say in April??? I have my 31/32 week appointment on Thursday. It will be interesting to hear what my doc has to say about everything. I will now be on the "every two weeks" for a little bit and then onto once a week already. Wow.

I also have to say, I keep hearing that song by Outkast called "Roses."
You know the one that starts:

Caroline! Caroline! All the guys would say she's mighty fine But mighty fine only got you somewhere half the time And the other half either got you cursed out, or coming up short Yeah, now dig this, even though (even though) You'd need a golden calculator to divide (to divide) The time it took to look inside and realize that Real guys go for real down to Mars girls, yeah!

I get chills when I hear those first two Carolines!! So, maybe it is a sign? LOL. Do I believe in signs??

The last two weekends in March will be ripping out carpet, installing carpet and painting so that we can atleast get a crib up and get that ready. Then I will get the dresser in there and do a baby clothes inventory.

So that is what is up for now!!

Cathy31 Weeks and 2 Days!

Thursday, March 09, 2006

Catie is...

18 Months Today.

I was looking at the calendar, and thinking. Hmmmh. The 9th. Our Anniversary is in 2 months today, but the 9th! OMG Catie is 18 MONTHS old. WOW.

Baby Catie you are growing up to be such a fine little lady. I love the way you smile at me, the way you giggle, the way you show off your belly. The way you pretend to go night night in Carly's bed, the way you turn in circles until you get dizzy, the way you point to your ear and say ear, and the way you say shoe, the way you tuck your hands under your body when you are tired and laying on my chest before bed.

You rocked our world when you were born baby. You are a blessing that we could never ever imagine living without. You Catie, our little trickster. You are so fun, and we love you. You give me great hugs and I am so happy to have you in our lives. You are learning so many wonderful things, and you are so determined to be a big girl! Keep on smiling little one! You brighten up all of our lives. Thank you for that. I cannot believe that 18 months have passed, and I remember your birth like it was yesterday. One of the best days of my life, the day you entered our family. You are going to be a wonderful big sister!! I am so excited for you. xo

If I could choose...

If I could choose the day this baby were to be born, I would pick May 1st, May 5th or May 14th. Even May 13th my due date would be neat. Only 5% of women deliver on their due dates! That would be neat.

May 1st is "May Day"

I love the month of May! Cliff and I got married on the 9th of May. It is a great month!

May Day, the first of May is celebrated around the world. It has a number of meanings. In many other countries it is a celebration of spring and the coming of summer. It is celebrated with many spring flowers. To communist and socialist countries, it is a celebration for the workers. In many countries it is celebrated as part of a one to three day holiday. Of particular note, it is not a national holiday in the United States, except in Hawaii where it is known as "Lei Day".

May 5th is "Cinco de Mayo"
It is the perfect day: Have my 5th baby on the 5th of May, 2006! 05 05 06! Would make for a good birthdate!

On May 5, 1862, the Mexican army defeated the French army at the Battle of Pueblo. This single military battle signified defeat of a European colonial power and a victory for the Mexican people. This single battle was the roots of Cinco de Mayo. What Cinco de Mayo has come to be is much more than one battle in the colonial history of Mexico. Rather, it has come to signify Hispanic and Mexican pride and a time to celebrate the rich culture. Today, this holiday is celebrated by Mexicans, and especially the Hispanic community in the U.S. It is a time of song, dance, partying, and in general a time to be proud to be of Hispanic descent.

May 14th "Mothers Day"
I have always said Mothers Day would be such a nice day to have a baby!

Finish off with my 5th baby on Mothers Day. I would love that!

I wonder if I will make it to my due date this time? I have never ever done that yet! Only the baby knows for sure!

I am so excited!


Wednesday, March 08, 2006

Our Family Slogan's

These were generated with a slogan maker! Try it for yourself. It was fun.

Cathy Is Good For You.

Cliff Really Satisfies.

My Goodness, My Cameron!

See the Face You Love Light Up With Claire.

If You Can't Beat Carly, Join Carly.

Nothing Comes Between Me And My Catie.

Is Carter In You?

It Could Be Caroline.

Monday, March 06, 2006

Week 30 and 2 Days!

A photo with Claire and Carly who love my belly!

Week 30 and 2 Days Belly Shot
(note the new hair do finally)

Your baby opens and shuts his eyes, and researchers believe he can actually see now, though no one knows exactly how much he can make out. You may be feeling a little tired, a little clumsy, and a little anxious — but hopefully you're wonderfully excited too! If you haven't already, start thinking about what kind of pain medication — if any — you want to have during labor. All labor drugs have pros and cons, and it can take time to sort through them all. Call your hospital or birth center to see whether you can pre-register. Getting some of the paperwork done now will be a big help come delivery time.
Well, the 3 hour test is done, and that is now under my belt. I feel not as nervous, and if I have Gestational Diabetes, then I have it. It does not mean that I am a failure. Hopefully as in the past, I will pass this test again like when I was pregnant with Cameron.I cannot believe that this baby could be here in 6 weeks or maybe 10 weeks. That is crazy, and now I feel that the pregnancy is going way to fast!
I am so excited to meet this little Carter or Caroline!

3 Hour Glucose Test this Morning

My bandaids from my test this morning!

Well, I made it through the 3 hour glucose test! Hopefully I get the results today or tomorrow.

I woke up early, got ready and left at 6:50 am. I reached the building at 7:04. No parking. That told me the clinic was very full already. It opened at 7 am. So, I parked at the side of the building on the street, took a quick walk around old Langley. Then did a bit of stretching to relax in the lobby of the building. Walked up the stairs. BUSY!! I was no. 68. And they were at no. 54. So, I waited.

At 7:50 am:
I was called in. I had my first blood vial removed from right arm. Then I drank the 100 level "orange" dextrose. It was way sweeter than the 50 level one. Very sweet indeed. Down the hatch. I then went and sat in the waiting room. For 1 hour. I was jittery and it felt like my heart was racing for the first hour, and read my book and listened to my music on the ipod.

Hour 1: 8:51 am
"How are you feeling?" I reply "Jittery." Needle no. 2 left arm vein. I go to the washroom, and head back to the waiting room. This time sitting in a different spot. I read magazines from 2003/2004. Listening to music.

Hour 2: 9:51 am
"How are you feeling?" I reply "Tired". We will use the left arm vein again, different spot. This one stung a bit. Go to the washroom, and then sit in the lobby AGAIN. Listened to my music, and read some more old magazines.

Hour 3: 10:51 am
"How are you feeling?" I replied "pretty good, but I can't wait to have lunch (and breakfast)" Needle in my right arm again. No problems. DONE! I was so glad to get out of there. I heard so many numbers being called in those 3 hours! I think I must have seen about 100/120 people in my 3 hour tour. Busy place.

Wow, did this baby ever react to the dextrose! The baby was a kickin' and a punchin'! And, I felt kicks quite a bit higher so that is good!

I got home just after 11:00 am. I called the doctor's office to tell them that my test was complete. I put my stuff away, ate a big banana and then I got the shakes in my hand. I would guess low blood sugar! I then realized A Baby Story was on. So I sat down and watched 1/2 hour. So, I poured myself a glass of milk, and then ate 4 cookies. Those were the best Chips Ahoy I have ever had! Yummy. Shaking has stopped.

Cathy30 weeks 2 days!

My Apple Betty!

My Apple Betty!

I think I am a better baker these days, and my mind is functioning a lot better than a couple of weeks back when I was very stressed. LOL!

I just wanted to redeem myself from the "skillet lasagne" incident. I know some of you out there are not able to eat lasagne again. I truly hope you can get over that!


Friday, March 03, 2006

10 Weeks to GO!

This is day number 210
You're 30 weeks pregnant
Your baby's age since conception is 196 days / 28 weeks
There are 70 days until your due date! (25.0% to go)

I cannot believe that I have only 70 days to go!
I have never ever made it to my due date, and I wonder if this will be the one to do it?!


Wednesday, March 01, 2006

Week 29 and 4 Days along!

Week 29 4 days pregnancy belly shot

(finally I get it done!)